small trees and shrubs

Salix caprea - Goat willow

Salix caprea, known as hengepil in Norwegian, is well known for its soft, silky catskins that appear in early spring. It is a deciduous shrub or small tree, reaching a height of 8-10 m, rarely to 13 m.

The wood is tenacious and often crooked, of little value for construction, but all right as firewood - and for willow flutes.

Sorbus × intermedia - swedish whitebeam

It is a medium-sized deciduous tree growing to 10–20 m tall with a stout trunk usually up to 60 cm, but sometimes as much as 2–3 m diameter, and grey bark; the crown is dome-shaped, with stout horizontal branches. The leaves are green above, and densely hairy with pale grey-white hairs beneath, 7–12 cm long and 5–7 cm broad, with four to seven oval lobes on each side of the leaf, broadest near the middle, rounded at the apex, and finely serrated margins. The autumn colour is dull yellowish to grey-brown. The flowers are 15–20 mm diameter, with five white petals and 20 yellowish-white stamens; they are produced in corymbs 8–12 cm diameter in late spring. The fruit is an oval pome 15 mm long and 10 mm diameter, orange-red to red, maturing in mid-autumn. The fruit is dryish, and eaten by thrushes and waxwings, which disperse the seeds.

In the Nordic countries, the tree typically grows in forests, pastures or forest edges.

It is widely grown as an ornamental tree in northern Europe, valued for its tolerance of urban street conditions; it is very commonly used in avenues and urban parks. It is frequently naturalised in the British Isles. In recent years, much new planting of "Swedish whitebeam" has actually been of the related Sorbus mougeotii (Vosges whitebeam), another apomictic species from further south in Europe that has more erect branching, less deeply lobed leaves with whiter undersides to the leaves, and darker red fruit.

Swedish whitebeam

Prunus padus - Bird cherry 

Prunus padus is the tree of the spring. The scent of bird cherry flowering in May is a welcome notice of summer. The wood is used for knife handles and such but is otherwise of minor value. The growth form resembles that of hazel; many shoots from one root, so considerable numbers exceed 5 cm dbh.

Juniperus communis - Juniper

Juniper - Also known as ‘Green carpet’

Magnolia kobus - snow magnolia 
Plant group: NS 4402 LAUVTRE

Magnolia kobus, known as snø magnolia, mokryeon, kobus magnolia, or kobushi magnolia, is a species of Magnolia native to Japan (Kyushu, Honshu, and Hokkaido) and Korea and occasionally cultivated in temperate areas. It is a deciduous, small to tall tree which has a slow rate of growth but can reach 8–15 m in height and up to 10 m in spread.

A magnificent park tree for warm sunny plantings with good humus-rich soil and good drainage. Magnolia kobus is hardy but prefers a "warm" growing space for optimal development. Good drainage for the root zone will be crucial. Slightly alkaline to slightly acidic humus-rich soil.

Rosa moyesii (Mandarinrose)
 Plant group: NS 4401 ROSER

Rosa moyesii is a species of flowering plant in the rose family Rosaceae, native to western China. Growing to 4 m tall by 3m wide, it is a vigorous deciduous shrub, with plentiful matte green leaves and flat red or pink flowers, with yellow central stamens, in summer. These are followed in autumn (fall) by prominent bottle-shaped rose-hips. Rosa moyesii is cultivated as an ornamental shrub and has been used in rose breeding.

Ilex x meserveae (Kristtorn ‘blue angel’)

Acer griseum (Kopperlønn)

Plant group: NS 4402 LAUVTRE

Acer ginnala (Sibirlønn) 
Plantegruppe: NS 4404 BUSKAR

Sensation Lilac - Syringa vulgaris (Syrin)
Plant group: NS 4404 BUSKAR

 Sensation Lilac is a multi-stemmed deciduous shrub with an upright spreading habit of growth. Its relatively coarse texture can be used to stand it apart from other landscape plants with finer foliage.

This shrub will require occasional maintenance and upkeep and should only be pruned after flowering to avoid removing any of the current season's flowers. It is a good choice for attracting butterflies to your yard but is not particularly attractive to deer who tend to leave it alone in favor of tastier treats.



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